UK: Lord Woolton eats Woolton pie at communal feeding club in Hackney. (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Minister of Food Lord Woolton visits communal restaurant and eats “woolton pie“ Full Description: Hackney, London, England: GV pan down block of flat.s INT. SV pan working-class women talking at table. FCU Mrs. Amey talking. LV pan women preparing food in kitchen. CU woman testing food from saucepan. LV woman showing Woolton tray of cooked food. GV people eating in Club. SV woman dishing out food on plate for Lord Woolton. CU Woolton eating. LV people in Club eating. ORIG. NEG. ALSO BLUE GOOD SCENES: SV block of flats. STV women preparing food. CU woman pealing potatoes. CU Mrs. Amey peeling potato. CU side view girl peeling potato. SV women peeling potatoes. CU Mrs. Amey eating. SV Woolton sitting at table between women. SV Woolton talking to women at table. SV butcher's shop and Mrs. Amey looking in window. CU Mrs. Amey looking in window and walks i