Time To Remember - Teenage Flapper 1920s - Reel 4 (1920-1929)

Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened. Reel 4. 01:19:45 Snowy street scene in London. Boys ice skating beside a road. Great shot of a middle aged woman running then sliding along a slippery piece of pavement. She carries a briefcase and doesn't look the type to do such a thing. 01:20:07 Skiing montage. Some nice shots of groups of young people having fun in the snow - sledging. An ice skater performs some twirls - Joyce mentions Sonja Henie but I'm not sure that this is actually her. 01:21:11 Montage of famous women - all fairly short shots. Marie Curie in her laboratory, Dame Nellie Melba making a cake, Betty Nuthall taking tea, Evelyn Laye “at home“, Norah Blaney and Gwen Farrar larking around, Nellie Wallace washing up, C/U of Betty Balfour, Pavlova feeding swans. Continued. 01:22:21 Sequence featuring women aviators, motor boat racers and racing car drivers. Ivy Cummins tends to her motor car then drives