Rebellion In Algeria (1960)

Algeria. Various shots of the barricade in the streets of Algiers. MS of a statue of Jeanne d'Arc pan down to banner 'Algerie, Province Francaise'. Pan down to three women seated at base of statue. MS of an army ambulance racing through street. Various shots of blood stains on a step where several paratroopers were killed by a Moslem bomb. Various shots onto rooftops. Various shots of hundreds of rebels fighting with troops in the streets. Various shots of peaceful demonstration at the rebel HQ at the barricade. Various panning shots of the deserted streets around the barricade. (Various shots of rebel leaders in the HQ pan to CU photograph of Hitler pinned on wall.) Various shots of the crowds rushing about the streets. Various shots of cars being stopped and searched by troops. GV of the village of Regaia. GV panning shot of the town and harbour of Algiers. Various shots of clash between crowds and troops in the streets of Algiers. LS to air pan with helicopter. Pan down with leaflets as