Adventure In Sardinia 2 (1950)

Reel 2. Microscope shot of mosquito laying eggs. Map of country split into regions. DDT being sprayed by local men. Intelligence squads checking on the work. Laboratory testing. New breeding grounds found. Aeroplane dusting marshes. Decision made to drain all water on the island. Digging trenches, chopping down reeds, burning brush etc. Lots of men at work clearing ground. Men searching for tiny hidden pools. A man is told off because one of the pools he is responsible for still has larvae within it. The campaign succeeded. Laboratory. Village with children playing. They follow the Town Crier who announces no malaria for one year in their region. Traditional dancing. Shots of locals. Dam being built. Child in a cot. Produced in association with the Nucleus Film Unit. Production and Direction: Peter Baylis, Jack Chambers, Arthur Elton. Camera: W. Suschitzky. Editor: Maurice Harley. Sound: W.S. Bland, Jack Miller. Micro-Photography: Percy Smith, Sidney Beadle. Musical S