Funeral Of Marcel Cerdan (1949)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Funeral of Marcel Cerdan. Casablanca, Morocco. LS Liberator aircraft arriving at Casablanca airport, carrying the coffin containing Cerdan's remains. CU Plane taxis to a standstill. LS People gathered round doorway of plane to see coffin brought out. MS Coffin being carried out of plane. MS Coffin being carried across airfield. CU Cerdan's two brothers - Antoine and Armand. One wipes his eyes with handkerchief. MS Back view coffin being loaded onto truck. LS Back view the truck driving off to Casablanca Stadium, where the body will rest until the funeral. MS The truck arriving at the stadium. MS The coffin is carried into a catafalque. MS The coffin reposing in the catafalque, guarded by sportsmen. MS Elevated Cerdan's widow, escorted by his two brothers, walks up to the coffin. CU His widow standing before coffin blessing it with holy water. MS Elevated mourners gathered before coffin. MS People queuing up at the Stadium to pay t