Oil From North Sea (1965)

Title reads: “OIL FROM NORTH SEA“. Off the Norfolk Coast. Various shots drilling platform and oil rig “Conoco 1“. Various shots men being transported from ship to oil rig. They cling on to a rope net suspended from a crane - looks scary and dangerous. Various shots sacks of chemicals being unloaded from ship. Interior of pump room. C/U operator at control panel. M/S control panel. M/S mud circulating tank. M/S mud and water being pumped into tank. C/U mud sediment being passed over sieve. Top shot looking down through base of the rig to sea below. M/S mud spreading on the sea surface. Interior. M/S man sitting at desk in Logger Room. He sits alongside a gas detector and depths recorder. C/U hands operating the gas detector. M/S geologist examining mud samples through a microscope. C/U geologist looking through microscope. C/U mud samples in tray under microscope. M/S food being prepared in the mess hall. C/U chef preparing food. M/S men eating in the mess hall. C/U man eating