50 Years Of Union (1960)

Item title reads - 50 years of Union. South Africa. L/S Johannesburg. Various shots of a parade in streets of Johannesburg including drum majorettes, Scottish, Welsh and Irish descendants. Camera pans up statue of Paul Kruger, C/U statue. Camera pans across Table Mountain and down to Parliament House in Cape Town. C/U photograph of Louis Botha the first South African Prime Minister, 1910 to 1919. C/U bust of General Jan Smuts. M/S of Smuts being interviewed on his arrival in England. C/U of him. M/S farmhouse. M/S Dr. David Malan and his wife. C/U Malan. M/S Cecil Rhodes' tomb in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, late King George VI, Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret look at the tomb on former visit. C/U tomb with words 'Here Lie the Remains of Cecil John Rhodes'. M/S's statue of Rhodes in Salisbury. Library shots of masses of people running to stake a claim in the old time diamond mines. M/S two men, one is holding claim marker. C/U woman h