Uganda Wins Independence (1962)

Full title reads: “Uganda Wins Independence - Technicolor“. Uganda. GV Pan of Kampala. VS of arrival of Duke and Duchess of Kent at Entebbe Airport. They are met by Prime Minister A Milton Obote and His Highness Kabaka of Buganda. They inspect a guard of honour and the Duchess is presented to the Duchess. GV Government House. VS of Duke and Duchess with Sir Walter Coutts and Lady Coutts. VS of canoe regatta on Lake Victoria. Shots of canoe races watched by large crowds. Ugandan musicians play drums and local people dance in celebration. VS of Government House in Buganda. The Duke and Duchess attend a cocktail party given by the Kabak. VS of Independence tattoo in Kololo Stadium. Duke and Duchess watch the ceremony at the Union Jack British flag is lowered and the Ugandan flag is raised. Massed crowds cheer. VS of Independence Day ceremonies the next morning. The Duke of Kent makes a speech. Good CUs of the Duchess of Kent. VS of parade through streets. The Duke and Duchess are attendin