Oxford V Cambridge (1951)

Item title reads - Oxford v. Cambridge. Oxford beat Cambridge in University rugby match. Twickenham, Greater London. M/S large crowds gathered to watch the match. M/S Cambridge kick off left to right player falls over on icy ground and loose scrum forms. Cambridge get ball from scrum, Dalgleish receives the ball and runs through but slips over. M/S young boys cheering. M/S Coutts running with ball and being tackled by Reeve (Cambridge), he swings round on Coutts. Oxford take ball up field but Cambridge smother it. M/S of the crowd. M/S of Cambridge with ball, it is slippery and eludes defender (T.U. Wells). Bullard . on left dashes forward. M/S of E.J. Wimperis . tackling Wells. M/S as Bullard gathers ball and touches down. M/S as he fails to convert. M/S of crowds. (second half.) L/S Oxford attacking Boobyer No.3. who collects and dashes towards the line. M/S of Boobyer dashing forward, he is tackled just short of line and passes to team-mate who fumbles. Cambridge collect but Bull