Selected Originals - 12 Nations Pledge Peace Through Strength (1950)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “12 Nations Pledge Peace Through Strength“ 50/41. Material for Newsreel Story - extra shots. Lancaster House, London. The North Atlantic Council meets in London. It is a fore runner of NATO. MS Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary seated at table speaking (natural sound): “Mr Chairman, first of all allow me to thank you and my colleague in whose name you spoke, when opening this afternoon, when you expressed your gratitude to the staff of the Foreign Office, who have been operating the department of Secretary General of the conference. MS. The hours they work and the devotion to the duties of those special occasions are well known, but they will appreciate the kindly words you uttered in thanks to them in the opening of your talk. The British people have shown a great interest and are indeed proud to have had the meeting of the Council of the Atlantic Pact here in London. It has been a great and important conference. The de