World News In Review (1946)

Item title reads - World news in review. London. L/S as Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) takes the salute at the victory parade of the Army Cadet Force. Good M/S profile of her flanked by high ranking officers. Various shots as the boys, aged 14-18 march past. C/U of her watching. M/S of the boys. London. Various shots as the matron and nurses at Great Ormond Street hospital hand out sweets from Australia to the sick children. One baby dribbles at the prospect. Very good C/U's of the children and babies eating the sweets. Suffolk. M/S as 15 year old John Constable Reeve leads a cow into the yard. He feeds the chickens and drives a tractor on the farm where he is training. M/S as he pats a horse then sketches it with a donkey, he claims to be a descendant of the artist John Constable. M/S as he paints the river and farmhouse. M/S of a finished picture of the barn which is hung at the Royal Drawing Society's exhibition in London. M/S as he paints in the fields. M/S of his painting