Cinetopicalities In Brief No. 69 (1939)

Titles read: “CINETOPICALITIES IN BRIEF “. Various locations of events. In a village in the Bavarian Alps in Germany we see men on stilts and wearing costumes that look like a cross between Morris dancing gear and traditional lederhosen. Commentator explains this is part of an ancient pagan ceremony. A man in a strange pointy hat (no stilts) dances about. Men wearing elaborate head-dresses twirl around to traditional music; more men dance about with giant stars on their heads. At Sudbury, London, we see theatrical impressario Charles B Cochran judging a beauty contest at an open-air swimming pool. Actress Dorothy Dickson is the other judge. The pretty girls in the contest are all nippies (waitresses) at Lyon's Corner Houses. Desiree Cooper, an attractive girl from the Corner House at Victoria, wins the contest. In Italy we see a new parachute made to open almost immediately and manufactured from patented material. Inventor Signor Baccilli (sp? Bachilli?) folds the parachute with the help of