Still Going Strong (1957)

Hamburg & Travemund, Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). SV. Camera pans as a 1903 Renault gets away at the start of the veteran car rally and goes into back view (this is the title scene). SCU. Man turning starting handle of a Unic engine, camera pans up showing the front of the car with lots of different car badges above the windscreen. SCU. Man spins wheel to start engine on another car. GV. Camera pans as another veteran car gets away at the start. GV. Three veteran cars travelling through countryside. Travel shot, close up, showing the reflection of driver in driving mirror. Travel shot, close up of revolving wheel on car. SV. Camera pans as a car passes another which has broken down on the roadside. AS. Two men attending to the wheel on the broken down car, & CU. Travel shot of man with hand on steering wheel walking beside car pushing it. SV. Same man runs along and jumps onto car as it starts to go again. GV. River with liner tied up at quayside. Camera pans across to show a British veteran