[Intermediate Japanese] Japanese Grammar#003 | JLPT N3|Learning Japanese Sentences|BEKI|べき

Hi I’m Soo sensei. Today is the third class of Japanese grammar lesson. Today's lesson is a little bit easier than previous lessons. Let’s learn about the use of べき・べき だ. It is used to describe when something should be done or someone must do something. The grammar rules are really simple, and it is a JLPT N3 level. It is used in a lot of situations in writing sentences. So today, let’s see examples and try using beki by yourself after this lesson. こんにちは。スー先生です。今日は日本語文法第3回のクラスです。今日習う文法はべき、べきだです。前回に習った文法よりルールは簡単ですが、実際の文書などで強い意思を表せる時によく使われますので、勉強しておくと使う議会が多いと思います。この文法は日本語能力試験のN3レベルです。 He should buy it as well. 彼もそれを買うべきです。 He should not buy it as well. 彼もそれを買うべきではないです。 I believe that kindergarten teachers should love children. 幼稚園の先生は子供が好きであるべき