Goju Ryu Hojo Undo at Home - Finding, Making and Enjoying Your Own Training Equipment

Hojo undo is one of our very favourite things about Goju Ryu. Want to train at home? Get strong? Improve your karate? And in the comfort of your own home or garden? Hojo undo is right for you. We've compiled a list of implements, and how you can make/buy/find your own (and train in a limited space!) Chapters: 00:00 - intro 00:45 - types of chishi you can make 03:27 - a few basic chishi exercises 06:53 - Ishi sashi and kettlebells 07:08 - Ishi sashi exercises 08:20 - Kongoken substitute and exercises 10:37 - Makiage kigu (wrist roller) and exercises 11:40 - Nigirigame (gripping jars) - dumbbells and exercises 12:40 - Makiwara 14:35 - Outtakes If you love what we do and want to support us, please considering buying something below using our affiliate link. We get a little commision. Arigato gozaimasu! Our videos are free, but not cheap to make! Please consider subscribing, and get new videos every Friday at 2pm CAT. Affiliate links: PS: If there's something we missed, tell us! Michael Clark's Art of