How to Understand Martin Heidegger

Heidegger! If you are someone who is “interested in“ philosophy but for some reason you have never managed to get into him or you've heard that it's not worth the trying. It is. I have books, essays, interviews, and video courses, as well as free videos on this channel, all designed to help you get on Heidegger’s wavelength. In this live off-the-cuff introdution to Heidegger, we’ll walk through some of his basic concepts and hopefully something sticks! MICHAEL'S NEWSLETTER Read Michael's musings on politics, philosophy, mysticism, and other topics. Sign up: FREE INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY Get my Guide to Great Thinkers at — includes a lesson on Heidegger RELATED COURSES You’ll find three courses on Heidegger at my school, including one on Being and Time: FOLLOW ONLINE Twitter/X: LinkedIn: Instagram: Personal Website: ABOUT ME I teach politics and philosophy to professionals in law, education, finance, and tech through video courses and private tutoring at .