Artisan Guild Patreon - Plague-Mine Kobolds - September 2020 Release

Here the video trailer of the August 3d Printable release at Artisan Guild Patreon, the Eye Cult Gryphkins! Perfect as proxies for any kind of bird-folk. Lore: Worshipers of the ancient Shapeshifter God Melmor, the Kobolds are ignoble lizard-dog horned demons who move around hopping on two legs. These short wicked monsters infest mines by stealing precious minerals and replacing it with toxic ones in order to spread the plague of their god. Cities with sewage systems are teeming with these evil and keen beings. Adventurers should never underestimate Kobolds: their innate abilities to brew potent poisons, stab and hide could catch even the most veteran soldiers off guard. Our 3d printable figures come with ball-jointed wrists and various weapon options for infinite customization: 6 Plague-Mine Kobolds (modular); 2 Epic Heroes (modular): Doggoz Cagemaster and Kornutaaz the Plaguemancer; 1 Epic Beast (also a collective mount): Diggaz the Plague Z