Convict Cichlid BREEDING Do NOT Add to Community Aquarium!!! - with Leon Hills - LEON CREATOR

Warning Convict Cichlids Do NOT get on with most other fish so do not add to Community Aquarium - Plus Tips on Breeding. I introduced one pair of Convict Cichlids into a community aquarium (a guy in a pet shop shop told me it would be alright to to this). The aquarium was packed with silver angel fish, mollies, guppies, neon tetra, coolie loaches, plecos, snails etc. It was planted & thriving but these convicts very quickly killed off every other fish & pulled up plants & generally caused havoc. I moved them into a 1ft x 1ft tank & they bred almost immediately. They are great parents & fun to watch, moving substrate around to create mounds & bare areas. They gather their babies in their mouths when they sense danger & then let them back out when they feel safe again. They are a striking fish - the male is the one with orange on his flanks. Babies grow fast & before you know it, you have hundreds of adults! Please check out my other animal videos & subscribe to support this channel. Thanks for watching. Subscribe Here: 3 Banded Armadillos are Affectionate - Pet Three Banded Armadillo Care Part 1 - Pet Three Banded Armadillo Care Part 2 - Armadillo uses his Wheel - Armadillo Giant Mealworms as a Treat - Pet Armadillo gets a New Ball - Armadillo has his Tummy Tickled - Armadillo Daily Nest Building - Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec Breeding - Lesser Hedgehog Tenrecs having a Good Munch - Jungle Nymphs Final Egg Count - This is Why I Love Cane Toads - Outdoor Enclosure for Midwife Toads - UK Pond Dipping in My Garden - UK Pond Wildlife Part 1 - UK Pond Wildlife Part 2 - Tadpole Rearing - Axolotls - Cane Toad Enclosure & Basic Care - How to Breed Jungle Nymphs - Jungle Nymph Laying Eggs - Giant Leaf Insect Final Moult - Hissing Cockroach Giving Birth - Praying Mantis Breeding - Orchid Mantis - Giant African Millipede Breeding - Salmon Pink Tarantula & Trapdoor Spider - Tarantula Breeding - Israeli Gold Scorpions - Solifugid Camel Spider - Solifugid Fluffy Camel Spider - Black & White Tegus Feeding - Henkels Leaf Tail Gecko Shedding Skin - Crested Geckos Mating - Crested Gecko Hatchling - Male Blood Python Feeding - Green Tree Python Feeding Part 1 - Green Tree Python Feeding Part 2 - Ball Python Feeding Part 1 - Ball Python Feeding Part 2 - Blood Python Feeding Time Part 1 - Blood Python Feeding Time Part 2 - Blood Pythons Mating - Blood Python Eggs Hatching - Juvenile Blood Python Rearing Tips - Leon Hills LEON CREATOR #leonhills #leoncreator #convictcichlid #cichlids #cichlidcare #tropicalfish #aquarium #cichlidbreeding #exoticpets #fish #keepingfish #fishenclosure #fishtank #fishhusbandry