GEOPHAGUS winemilleri , BREEDING eartheater cichlids in the aquarium

Geophagus winemilleri , one of the most beautiful earth eaters from the Orinoco breeding, mouth brooding and guarding their young. For most Geophagus species aquariums of 600l (180 gall) are large enough to keep and breed groups of 6-8 fish. This aquarium has a pH 6.8, GH 7, Temperature of 78F/28C. Some smaller tetras kept with the Geophagus have been removed to reduce stress on the breeding parents. The only other fish are several Ancistrus (bristlenose pleco) kept as algae eaters. Japanese Version: Also check out our other videos of other famous fish in nature: GOLD NUGGET PLECO collecting - ( Baryancistrus xanthellus ) RUMMYNOSE in nature - ( Hemigrammus rhodostomus ) CARDINALS in nature - ( Paracheirodon axelrodi ) APISTOGRAMMA in nature - ( Apistogramma alacrina and others ) STINGRAYS collecting in nature - ( Potamotrygon motoro ) BLUE RAMS in nature - ( Mikrogeophagus ramirezi ) XINGU PIKE CICHLIDS in nature - ( Crenicichla spec. Xingu )