Dwarf2 vs Seestar S50 daytime lunar shootout

Comparing the Dwarf Lab Dwarf 2 smart telescope with the ZWO Seestar S50 smart telescope, shooting images of the moon in daytime. The Dwarf 2 won hands down for ease of use. The secondary widescreen 'aiming' camera allowed me to find and image the moon in just a few minutes. The Seestar S50 has a “lunar“ mode where it attempts to automatically find the moon for you, but it completely failed in the daytime. (I was using the current app from the Google Play Store, version 1.7, and the beta app is claimed to have compass calibration and performance improvements.) However, once I *DID* manually aim the Seestar at the moon (a process that involved a drinking straw, 25 minutes kneeling over the telescope [I'm starting to appreciate just how short the included tripod is] and mostly dumb luck) I was able to get better images from the Seestar. [Given that it has twice the aperture size and 1/3 of the FOV, this isn't terribly surprising, although the Dwarf does have a higher resolution sensor.] So for image quality, the Seestar S50 won, but for ease of use, the Dwarf was the clear winner. Amazon Affiliate link for the Dwarf 2 deluxe package: Seestar Affilate link for the S50 smart telescope: