D/A and A/D | Digital Show and Tell (Monty Montgomery @ )

Original Video: Why you don't need 24 Bit 192 kHz listening formats - ~xiphmont/demo/ More videos in this series: Get the software - Monty at Xiph presents a well thought out and explained, real-time demonstrations of sampling, quantization, bit-depth, and dither on real audio equipment using both modern digital analysis and vintage analog bench equipment. This video has been reproduced with permission of Monty @ and in accordance with Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Further reading: Audio Myths & DAW Wars - This is a video about the digital vs analog audio quality debate. It explains, with examples, why analog audio within the accepted limits of human hearing (20 Hz to 20 kHz) can be reproduced with perfect fidelity using a 44.1 kHz 16 Bit digital signal.