Our old friends from the Ukrainian coup

Our old friends from the Ukrainian coup are at it again.. but now in Georgia. Its time to overthrow the Georgian government, implant the NATO war criminal Saakashvili and throw Georgia under the train track of a new war with Russia. Where is Victoria Nuland and her cookies ? ◾️Pro NATO rioters in Georgia chant the well known offensive phrase against Putin, coined by Ukrainian Nazis in the football terraces. ◾️Notice that the Government of Georgia of the “Georgian Dream“ party is Pro European and pro West. Only that they don’t want bloodshed with Russia, they don’t want another war with the Ossetians, they don’t want to sacrifice the youth of the country for NATO interests. ◾️ Nevertheless that’s not enough for America and Joe Biden, he needs bloodshed in Georgia, he needs to open “another front“ no matter how many lives it cost, in the end the deaths won’t be American citizens.