B 52 JET AIRCRAFT CRASH At Fairchild Air Force base. All Hell Breaks Loose by Roy Dawson video

Here is the investigation report on the crash On Friday, 24 June 1994, a United States Air Force (USAF) Boeing B-52 Stratofortress crashed at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, United States, after the pilot, Lt Col Arthur “Bud“ Holland, maneuvered the bomber beyond its operational limits and lost control. The aircraft stalled, fell to the ground, and exploded, killing Holland and the other three USAF officers aboard. The crash was captured on video and was shown repeatedly on news broadcasts throughout the world.[1] The subsequent investigation concluded that the crash was attributable primarily to three factors: Holland's personality and behavior, USAF leaders' delayed or inadequate reactions to earlier incidents involving Holland, and the sequence of events during the aircraft's final flight. The crash is now used in military and civilian aviation environments as a case study in teaching crew resource management. It is also often used by the U.S. Armed Forces during aviation safety training as an example of the importance of compliance with safety regulations and correcting the behavior of anyone who violates safety procedures. . Buying or selling a home in the DFW area? Give us a call. THERE WERE NO SURVIVORS: PILOT HOTDOGGING B-52 JET AT AIRSHOW. A TOTAL STALL LOW TO GROUND. NO CHANCE TO RECOVER. At Fairchild airforce base. The B-52 Stratofortress has no ailerons as they would cause excessive twisting of the highly flexible wing. It achieves roll control entirely through spoilerons mounted near the center of the wing in about the same place as most gliders. Therefore in this situation when the plane banks to the left the pilot uses full right spoilerons therefore increasing and losing more lift in this critical situation