studio brynjar & veronika’s fountain sprays ephemeral rainbow across river enz at ornamenta

along the banks of the river enz in pforzheim, germany, sits haug rainbow fountain, a mystical creature sprouting an ephemeral mist across the water. the bronze-cast sculpture has been realized by studio brynjar and veronika as a mysterious hybrid between an icelandic elf and a water spirit, who for the artists, carries the echoes of the folk tales whispered in the neighbouring northern black forest. ‘in iceland, where i come from, the rainbow is also a bridge between humans, elves, and hidden people. these kind of spirits that live beyond what we see,’ brynjar sigurðarson tells designboom. though at first haug appears a little morbid — his hollow melting skull revealing a cluster of high-tech sensors — he sporadically captures rays of sunlight and transforms them into a dissipating, kaleidoscopic glow. ‘he looks a bit spooky, but he also has this ability to create such beauty. it’s a bit of a fun paradox,’ adds veronika sedlmair. read more here: