Kim Yo Jong: Zelensky’s Reckless Nuclear Dream Invites Self-Destruction

My backup channel on Odysee @PhuongDPRKDaily:e Kim Yo Jong, Deputy Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, gave a statement to media on April 1 under the title “Reckless Nuclear Dream Invites Self-Destruction“. The statement reads. Some time ago, the homepage of the Ukrainian President blogged an appeal for deploying US nuclear weapons in the territory of Ukraine or making nuclear weapons by itself. It is said that if the appeal is signed by more than 25,000 residents within 90 days, the President will deliberate on the proposal and make public his official stand on it. Though plausibly camouflaged as an expression of the residents' opinions, one can easily guess that it is a product of the sinister political plot of the Zelensky authorities. It is already a well-known fact that Zelensky made clear his stand to regain the position of his country as a nuclear state at the Munich security meeting in February 2022 and official figures of Ukraine openly revealed their nuclear ambition on several occasions. The Ukrainian authorities with an incurable megalomania that they can defeat Russia are bringing on themselves nuclear holocaust threatening their existence with neither elementary consciousness to foresee what may happen later on nor ability to cope with the consequences. Zelensky's talk about the shipment of US nuclear weapons or nuclear development of Ukraine is a manifestation of his very dangerous political ambition to maintain his remaining days at any cost even by gambling with the destiny of his country and people. It is the law of the world that the authorities with dull political sense and poor discretion will drive the country and nation into a bottomless abyss of destruction. The Zelensky authorities who always depend on the master and resort to begging and solicitation are no match for Russia and if they keep dreaming wild nuclear dream as now, they will be a clearer target within Russia's nuclear sighting range. If they think they can avoid the powerful strike of Russia only under the US nuclear umbrella full of holes, they are obviously taking the wrong road, the last road. The stooges currying favour with the United States and blindly believing its vague promise should clearly know that the best option for defending their lives is to wake at an early date from the self-destructive nuclear dream which is as good as carrying nuclear time bomb on their back.