Another Treasure Hoard of Gold and Silver Found In Staffordshire

- 702-987-1332 Last month, a team of archaeologists and experienced metal detectorists from Archaeology Warwickshire returned to the same field in Staffordshire, UK, where in 2009 metal detectorist Terry Herbert discovered a hoard containing over 3900 pieces of gold, silver and copper alloy objects. The team decided to revisit the field after it was ploughed. In doing so they discovered another treasure which contains around 90 pieces of gold and silver. The finds include what appears to be a cheek guard from a golden helmet, an eagle and a cross among other unidentified pieces. Many of the pieces are quite small, weighing less than a gram. 'While it is far too early to say exactly what they are, or how old they are, they are certainly interesting finds.' Said Staffordshire County Council Leader Philip Atkins. The South Staffordshire Coroner, Andrew Haigh will rule at an inquest planned for January 4 if the metalwork pieces are part of the Anglo Saxon collection and if they