Kayak Support: Liquid Jazz on the Lower Gauley

This week on Kayak Support, I got the chance to run the Lower Gauley for my first time! At 3900 cfs, we found big waves, monster holes, and a wild ride down this absolutely classic river. Enjoy the liquid jazz of the Lower Gauley! When we started Kayak Support in January, I never dreamed that I'd be paddling runs like this so soon. My goal was to get on this river for Gualeyfest (now cancelled) in September, but when the flows lined up, and everything fell into place, I felt confident stepping it up another notch. The past 6 months have been a whirlwind of learning and steady progress, and boating the lower G feels like the culmination of all that hard work. There's still so much the rivers have to teach, and I'm excited to keep learning! Make sure to stay tuned for more kayak support, more progress, and more paddling through the heat of the summer!