Deponia - My Favorite Scene

Deponia is probably one of my favorite games ever, and for all the fun and hilarious lines and scenes in the game, it is this scene and this rant near the end of the game that takes the cake for me. In an exchange between Rufus and Cletus, in which Cletus tells Rufus that the Organon will destroy Deponia, Rufus tries desperately to convince Cletus to not, and be on his way back to Elysium. However, through a series of lengthy dialogue trees, Rufus confesses his true feelings toward his home planet in a rather heartfelt monologue on how much he hates Deponia. Rufus also mentions his father at one point. I often, especially now, come back to this quote and find that it is somewhat relevant to not only modern times, but to myself as well. I find myself thinking of this quote when thinking about my life and all that I want to do and have done. A powerful scene from a great game.