Warhammer Age of Sigmar: State of the Meta (November 2021) | Every Army analysed

Rob goes through the Meta's data for the last month in Competitive Age of Sigmar. Full slides can be found on the blog here: 00:00 Intro and Winrates 10:04 Meta Percentage 11:14 Positive winrate potential 16:38 Tier Winrates 19:30 By Region 23:40 Beasts of Chaos 25:25 Big Waghh 26:15 Blades of Khorne 28:30 Bonesplitterz 29:50 Cities of Sigmar 33:30 Daughters of Khaine 36:53 Disciples of tzeentch 41:51 Flesh Eater Courts 45:10 Fyreslayers 47:41 Gloomspite Gitz 49:21 Hedonites of Slaanesh 54:30 Idoneth Deepkin 58:14 Ironjawz 58:47 Kharadron Overlords 1:01:17 Kruleboyz 1:03:54 LOCA 1:07:40 Lumineth Realmlords 1:13:56 Maggotkin of Nurgle 1:13:01 Nighthaunt 1:16:39 Ogor Mawtribes 1:21:37 Ossiarch Bonereapers 1:28:58 Seraphon 1:33:00 Skaven 1:36:01 Slaves to Darkness 1:38:46 Sons of Behemet 1:43:25 Soulblight Gravelords 1:46:17 Stormcas