Temporal Frequencies: Can We Hear Sounds of the Ancient Past?

Ripples of the past: Advance technology is going to allow us to hear the Voices of Prophets from 1000+ years ago? Can we capture Sound forms and capture the Conversations of Ancient Civilizations? Is this spiritually possible, and how does space-time work spiritually? Can we scan for Long-Delayed Echoes of Ancient Times and reconstruct it into an audible recording? Q&A Chapters : 00:00 The Ta’weez (prayer for protection) is your 1 step of humility in asking for Allah’s (AJ) Protection 04:09 Does calculating of our moves in life go through the head or the heart. What to do when we are overthinking our moves fearing mistakes? 07:43 How to fight very bad satanic waswas (whisperings)? 15:28 Can you please explain what happens to our energy and connection when we miss our daily awrad (daily practice) and is there a way to make up an incomplete awrad from the day before? 18:24 Can we do zikr, salawats on tasbih (prayer beads) while watching movies? 20:02 What's the reality of Fri