I once spoke to someone who had survived the genocide in Rwanda, and she said to me that there was now nobody left on the face of the earth, either friend or relative, who knew who she was. No one who remembered her girlhood and her early mischief and family lore; no sibling or boon companion who could tease her about that first romance; no lover or pal with whom to reminisce. All her birthdays, exam results, illnesses, friendships, kinships—gone. She went on living, but with a tabula rasa as her diary and calendar and notebook. Christopher Hitchens Tracklist to treat your trauma: 00:00 - 09:45 - A Song To Wake Up To 09:46 - 18:50 - A Song To Treat Your Moral Injury 18:51 - 32:25 - A Song To Walk On The Edge Of Your Borderline Personality Disorder 32:26 - 36:32 - A Song To Get A Wrong Diagnosis 36:33 - 55:40 - A Song To Repair Your Spirit 55:41 - 58:56 - A Song For Excessive Talking 58:57 - 1:01:46 - A Song To Walk With Your Head Down (Dmitry Shostakovich Prelude in E minor Arranged and Played by Dopo Goto) One hour of funeral home decorations submerged under the liminal water to explore, compemented with trauma healing anti stress and anxiety drone ambient music. Perfect for grieving, insomnia, adhd concentration, meditation, yoga, studying, mourning, tea ceremonies and disappearing completely. 睡眠のための音楽 リラックス音楽 【100% 広告 なし 自律 神経 整える 音楽】 深い睡眠へ誘う睡眠導入音楽  癒しの音楽を聴いてぐっすりと熟睡する  心身の休息と疲労回復、ストレス解消…【睡眠用bgm・5分で寝落ち】 All rights for visuals and music belong to Dopo Goto and protected by YouTube copyright law #poolrooms #traumahealing #backrooms #weirdcore #dreamcore #liminalspace #escapethebackrooms #backrooms #explore #zenmusic #paranoia #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #adhd #adhdrelief #trauma #visuals #visualart #fyp #healing #healingmusic #meditation #meditationmusic #ambient #yoga #relaxing #sleep #sleepmusic #anxietyrelief #calmingmusic #トラウマ #不眠症 #nobody