“Ay mi, dame de valour”, Gillaume de Machaut | TENET Vocal Artists

Estampie after Machaut, Dame vostre doulz viaire by Debra Nagy 1:56 - “Ay mi, dame de valour”, Gillaume de Machaut (c. 1300 - 1377) The Cycle of Invention: The Next Generation May 5, 2017 Tenri Cultural Institute, NYC Jolle Greenleaf, soprano Virginia Warnken Kelsey, mezzo soprano Jason McStoots, Owen McIntosh, tenors Debra Nagy, winds Strings: Scott Metcalfe, vielle Charles Weaver, lute Translation: Ah me, worthy lady whom I love and desire, from you comes the pain which makes me languish. Most gentle creature, how can your tender sweetness be so hard towards me. when I have given you my heart, my body, and my love, without reward and without regret? Yet you make me languish, on account of which I fear I will die. Ah me, worthy lady... And all due to an unjust accusation, noble lady, full of honor, I am in distress, for never did I seek dishonor for you, rather without rest I have done your swe