Jess Blewitt snagged her first pro World Tour gold with a top finish at Rockshox Taniwha Downhill. In 2020 she won the junior category of Crankworx Rotorua Downhill and this year she certainly cemented herself amongst the pros. --- Crankworx is the ultimate experience in mountain biking. Born in Whistler, B.C. in 2004, Crankworx has evolved into a multi-stop international festival series. The Crankworx World Tour brings together the best mountain bike athletes to compete in elite-level competitions in a variety of disciplines. Crankworx World Tour festivals also host races for amateurs, CWNEXT categories for the next generation of athletes, Kidsworx contests for young riders, participatory events and celebrations of mountain bike culture, all while showcasing amazing destinations. The 2023 Crankworx World Tour dates include: March 18-26: Crankworx Rotorua May 17-21: Crankworx Cairns June 21-25: Crankworx Innsbruck July 21-30: Crankworx Whistler Subscribe now and visit for schedules, tickets and more!