Hula Hoop Juggling by Rocio Molina from Argentina / IJA Tricks of the Month

This series is part of eJuggle, the IJA’s online juggling resource: Hello! My name is Rocío Molina and I am an independent and self-taught artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have been exploring and training hula-hoop for 7 years. It is my hobby, my job and my passion. Hula-hoop makes me feel strong, powerful and extremely creative. It is a tool that connected me to wonderful people, places and situations. In recent years I began to share workshops which led me to learn much more, sharing and exploring the hula-hoop with others. I want to thank Nadia Papaianni, who supported me in this audiovisual project by filming and editing it. Also to the entire hooper and juggling community that motivates me to continue on this journey and not doubt my potential. Thanks to IJA for giving me the opportunity to share a part of my world. Do you love the content the IJA is sharing and producing? Please consider becoming a Patron on our Patreon account to he