How will tools, technology and pedagogy be shaping schools in 2040? | SHAPE: The future of schools

Technology and connectivity provide access to learning. If, in 2040, learners are able to learn anytime, anywhere through their devices, what will that learning look like? We’ve certainly seen huge investment in communication and content management platforms and lots of educational ‘games’, but we can do more than that. What will great digital learning and assessment look like in 20 years’ time? And what will we be doing in the face-to-face classroom? Visit our website to find out more about the The future of schools event: Presenters: Mario Barosevcic, Principal, Emerge Education: Nik Peachey, Director of Pedagogy, PeacheyPublications Ltd: Gisella Langé, Senior Adviser, Foreign Languages Inspector, Ministry of Education, Italy: Jason Tan, Project Lead, GPEX Central: Learn mo