The STEALTHIEST Vampire Stealing People’s Sleep

More than 1/3rd of American adults don't get enough Sleep regularly, and chances are, you're one of them if you're watching this video. Many different sleep disorders affect people, but a very common one often gets overlooked, as many people don't realize it affects them. Why? Because the effects are subtle and linger under the radar. That's what makes it the stealthiest sleep vampire of them all…something called delayed sleep phase disorder, aka delayed sleep phase syndrome. Want more sleep tips, and learn how to increase your energy? Check this out: To understand how this works, let's first understand how our Sleepis regulated. Two main processes regulate our ability to CONSOLIDATE our Sleep. What does it mean to consolidate our Sleep? Essentially, it's the ability of humans to dedicate 1 block of our 24 hour day just for Sleep instead of having to break it up into multiple sleep episodes. So think of one block of Sleep as a sleep episode, for example, going to s