Листаем книгу «Ёлка номер Четыре»

Russian / English👇 Сборник сказочных историй «Ёлка номер Четыре» продолжает цикл «Сказки переулка Строителей», начатый книгой «Крыши летят!». Эти трогательные, глубокие и вместе с тем полные озорства и юмора истории написала молодая, но уже отмеченная многими премиями писательница из Тобольска Зуля Стадник. Иллюстрации Вадима Челака. Полистать книгу можно здесь: _______________________________________________________________________________________ 🎄Fir Tree Number Four by Zulya Stadnik🎄 📌Fir Tree Number Four collection of fairytale stories continues the cycle “Fairytales of Builders Lane“ that began with the book Roofs Are Flying!. These touching, insightful and at the same time full of naughtiness and humor stories were written by Zulya Stadnik, a young, but already award-winning writer from Tobolsk. The main characters of the book are flying and talking two-story houses. They are light-hearted and inquisitive, just like children, and like children they love adventure. In this book they celebrate the New Year, play hockey with a manhole cover, take care of a kitten, meet with foreign “colleagues“, and even lose excess weight! They quarrel and make up, they feel sad and fall in love, but most importantly – they help their residents (and the readers at the same time) to understand important worldly truths, achieve harmony with themselves, and get along with others.