CGI Animated Short Film: “Corky“ by Ty Primosch and K-J Mathieson | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Corky: A Bedtime Story Animated Short Film by Ty Primosch and K-J Mathieson. Featured on CGMeetup Corky: A Bedtime Story : A corkscrew with a screw loose battles a giant glass bottle to uncork seven magical lightning bugs trapped inside. CORKY is intended for all ages. There is no dialogue. The story relies on its original musical score, sound effects, and visual storytelling to express its themes of companionship, acceptance, and gratitude. The animation was created by a 2 person team over a 6 year period. Uncork the magic!! Co-creator/Director: Ty Primosch Co-creator/Producer: K-J Mathieson Written & Animated by: Ty Primosch, K-J Mathieson Original Musical Score: Tyler Durham Sound Design: Steve Emling, Kelsey Lynch 3D Art & Design: Ty Primosch Additional Lighting Look Development: Mohamed Elsinbawy SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films: