Beyond the Stars ( animatic + Song )

My deviantart MUSIC Composed by TimonFM Deviantart: Tumblr; Liryc by nhsnork Deviantart: Vocals by Decibelle Deviantart: Youtube: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lirycs Once below the older and different skies, Young in age and bound by few social ties, I'd embark on self-assigned quests of sorts, Only my own thoughts and dreams to escort. Finding things to marvel at, signs to heed or seek, Musing on a purpose and place to be unique Like a gem whose features fail to conform, I would hold out for a light yet unborn... And you Happened once then and there, Branding your life unfair, Every bit as unaware Of your gift and your flare, of all you'd achieve, All you could give. By the prank of fate or by some design, But you earned a bump and one special find of mine. And before my eyes, that gem was cast out of sight - Only for it to shine its own kind of light! And I Could only stare in awe, Then prod the fate for more, Blowing the cover I wore, At which point I ran for my life - From what I used to face, Scorned and denied a place, Dreading your judgement and chase... But what this filly, brought down and clamming up, found in the end Was a friend. One who called me awesome, Who cared, Who shared this swirl of stars To guide us to play our parts. They're still shining on - most of your input was lit to last. It's different with lives - shine as they might, they come and pass... Now your name is your deeds, Part of the lore, A legend of yore... Still, you've left me so much more: Laughter and tears, Unctions and scars - This blessed and bizarre Friendship once lit like a star.