Myrkur - Heiemo og Nykkjen (Traditional Norwegian Folk ballad)

4 verses of the Norwegian folk tale of Heiemo who sings so sweetly, that the Nykkjen (or in Danish Nøkken) hears her and wants to find her and marry her. Nykkjen could be described as a mythological water creature / spirit who lives at sea or in lakes and as far as I can understand is not someone desirable to marry for a young maiden. So Heiemo ends up stabbing Nykkjen with knives and leaves him for the “earth dogs and ravens to eat” and then she sings on. Many versions of this song exists, I’m inspired by the wonderful 70 year old singer Kirsten Bråten Berg (who is actually featured on a new @wardruna song) This was recorded on the floor of my home “studio” 🌿