THE CUBES. Baby performance / КУБИКИ. Бэби-спектакль

Performances for the youngest have been held in the world for 30 years already. The are booming now in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Parents cannot find words to describe this special experience. Why are such productions needed? Firstly, it is a chance to break the usual circle “apartment-playground-clinic” and immerse the child in a space that cannot be recreated at home. Secondly, it is an opportunity to give yourself and your child new joint emotions, to experience the magic feeling of an aborning fairy tale together. During the performance children behave differently. At the same time, any behavior of a baby is organically woven into the plot. Young viewers will get to know the new theater - without barriers and restrictions. Director: Anna Ivanova-Brashinskaya ****** Спектакли для самых маленьких проходят в мире уже лет 30. В Москве и в Петербурге сейчас на них настоящий бум. Родители не находят слов, чтобы описать этот особенный опыт. Зачем же нужны такие постановки? Во-первых, это шанс разорвать