Love our channel? Help us save and post more orphaned films! Support us on Patreon: Even a really tiny contribution can make a difference. Glad you enjoyed it! Subscribe and become a channel member This film, an episode of the venerable show “Biography“, tells the story of Benito Mussolini; the first modern dictator of a united Italy. The film opens with images of Mussolini delivering one of his passionate speeches to supporters (:09). He and his fascist party ruled for over Italy for 20 years. Mike Wallace narrates (:58). This series was produced by the great and prolific David L. Wolper (1:04). Benito came into power at the close of WW1 as he stirred public support with spectacular parades and claims to the working man (2:07). He was born in 1893 in the village of Predappio, nestled in the mountains of Central Italy (2:55). His father, Alessandro is pictured to be a socialist agitator (3:04). At nineteen, Mussolini completed schooling (3:21). Later he embraced radical socialist politics and began writing for Socialist newspapers (3:31). He was arrested for insighting a riot (3:52) landing himself in jail for a year. Rachele Guide; and Benito were common law married in 1911 (4:03). Due to frustrations over ineffectiveness, Mussolini left the Socialist party (4:03). Scenes follow from the close of WW1 in 1918 (4:41). Woodrow Wilson is pictured as he arrived in Italy with his dream of the League of Nations (4:44). Initially Italians praised Wilson (4:54) until Italy was stripped of gained territories from the war. Protests erupted (5:05). The Italian ‘shock troops’ known as the Arditi became Benito’s tool for stirring up discontent and violence (5:17). The Fascist movement began to grow. In October of 1922 Mussolini addressed supporters in Naples (5:55). Riled by his speech, the crowd began to march on Rome (6:22). Mussolini hid due to fear from the repercussions of his own actions. The former government of Luigi Facta crumbled (6:45). On January 3, 1925 at a League of Nations (7:20) Benito declared himself dictator of Italy and outlawed any other political party (7:58). Indoctrination of children (8:33). A bonus was offered to newlyweds promising to reproduce in that year (9:09). Hospital nurseries overloaded (9:16). In order to support the population boom, Mussolini began a ‘Battle for Wheat Campaign’ (9:37). Throughout his career, ‘Il Duce’ gave the impression of being a thrill seeker (10:34) and a family man (11:19). Well informed citizens knew he spent most of his time with his mistress Clara Petacci (11:41). Mussolini is pictured singing along with his troops (12:15). In 1929 he set to tackle the issue between church and state by signing the Lateran Treaty (12:56). By 1934, Italy was a militarized police state (14:12). Hitler copied much of Mussolini’s methods. He arrived in Venice to meet the Italian dictator (14:50). Hitler appeared weak against Mussolini (15:15). Less than a month later, Hitler organized the assassination of the Austrian Chancellor (15:56). Mussolini sent 4 divisions to the Austrian border in response (16:02). He then launched a war against Ethiopia (16:45). The war ended after seven years on May 3rd, 1936 (17:39). Emperor Haile Selassie fled (17:46) and Rome celebrated victory on May 9th (17:54). In 1937, Mussolini was invited to go to Germany (18:11). Hitler installed an elaborate military welcome (18:19). The Italian army mimics the Nazi ‘goose step’ (18:47). Hitler is pictured among his top men including Herman Goering (19:06) as they plot to invade Czechoslovakia. Mussolini, believing himself to be peacemaker, organized the Munich Conference with Britain’s Neville Chamberlain (19:27) and the French Premier Edouard Daladier. Hitler was offered 1/3rd of Czechoslovakia and played Mussolini as a tool for expansion. On September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland (20:10). On June 10th, 1940 Mussolini ordered the invasion of France (20:34) and launched a campaign against the British in Africa (20:48). Hitler sent the Afrika Korps to assist (21:01). The battle tides shifted at El-Alamein (21:32) as Rommel lost the offensive. The Allied forces invade Sicily (22:02). Mussolini was held captive at Gran Sasso (22:26) and Hitler sent a rescue squad to rescue the dictator (22:32). He reunites with his son (22:56) and returns to Italy to build defense against the Allies. Allied forces liberate Rome (23:19) in 1944. The dictator was captured by Italian partisans and sent to face the firing squad with Clara (23:32). Theirs and Mussolini’s henchmen’s bodies were strung up in front of Italian mobs (23:56) on April 29th 1945. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit