[PC] Monster Hunter Rise - 秘紅赫耀的天彗龍狩獵 Crimson Glow Valstrax Hunt (4K/60FPS)

[秘紅赫耀的天彗龍] 此個體乃是「天彗龍」之變異體。 原本是身處秘境,翱翔於高空的古龍,但受自己過剩的龍氣侵擾而變得狂暴,會襲擊所有映入眼簾的對象。 一旦發現獵物,便會以高速飛來並予以襲擊,以翼腳施展千變萬化的攻擊。 《Monster Hunter Rise》現已登陸Steam! ============================ [Crimson Glow Valstrax] A mutant Valstrax fearsomely dubbed the “Crimson Glow.“ This elder dragon typically secludes itself in the upper atmosphere, but it has been driven mad by its own rampant energy, causing it to lash out at anything in its sight. Once it sights its prey, it swoops down, trampling them beneath its shifting wingblades. #MHRise NOW on Steam!