WATCH: Ukrainian military publishes promo video for planned counteroffensive, urging ’silence&#

The Ukrainian military on Sunday (June 4) renewed its plea for operational silence around a long-awaited counteroffensive against Russian forces, the latest in a stream of messages by Kyiv as it prepares for the assault. Anticipation has mounted around what is expected to be a broad attack by Ukrainian forces to retake Russian-occupied territory in the east and south. But Ukrainian officials have repeatedly discouraged public speculation over the operation, saying it could help the enemy. Authorities in recent days have also cracked down on citizens sharing images or footage of air defense systems shooting down Russian missiles. “Plans love silence. There will be no announcement of the start,“ the ministry said in a video posted to official Telegram channels, apparently referring to the counteroffensive. The sleekly-produced footage featured masked and well-armed front-line troops holding their fingers against their lips, gesturing for silence amid the distant rumble o