Russian soldier shoots down large Ukrainian drone with his rifle

A Russian paratrooper pulled off the shot of a lifetime when he shot down a large Ukrainian drone using only his rifle, according to footage published by a military-linked Telegram channel. The 30-second night vision clip shows the soldier firing single rounds at what appears to be a quadcopter, until it catches fire, falls to the ground, and explodes. Amid the loud blast, one soldier shouts, ‘it exploded,’ while another confirms the hit. Although the UAV resembled a regular quadcopter, it was apparently a ‘Baba Yaga’ – large, and capable of carrying 50kg. Despite their low speed and loud rotors making them easier to detect, they are tough targets due to their use of the Starlink satellite system, allowing for autonomous flight and resistance to electronic warfare. Russian military personnel have noted that these drones are typically detected using thermal cameras from up to 6km away before attempts are made to disable and shoot them down. The soldier in the video reportedly used a thermal scope to achieve the successful hit. And one hell of an aim, obviously.