WRAP President Saakashvili and Turkish PM Erdogan presser ADDS s’bites

(14 Aug 2008) SHOTLIST AP Television 1. Plane carrying Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan taxiing on runway 2. Close up of flags on car waiting to take Erdogan to meeting 3. Erdogan walking down steps of plane 4. Various of Erdogan walking across tarmac with officials POOL 5. Erdogan getting out of car and shaking hands with Georgian President, Mikhail Saakashvili 6. Erdogan and Saakashvili walking into room and taking seats 7. Various of Erdogan, Saakashvili and other officials seated around table POOL 8. Wide of Georgian presidential building 9. Wide of Erdogan and Saakashvili walking towards news conference 10. Erdogan and Saakashvili approaching podiums 11. SOUNDBITE: (Georgian) Mikhail Saakashvili, Georgian President: ++Soundbite includes cutaway of Erdogan++ “We agreed that we will continue very intensive dialogue, first of all to find a way to restore peace, and a way to end Georgia's occupation (by Russia). We are very thankful to Turkey for sending the biggest humanitarian