The Mongol Invasions of the West, 1240-1288 - full documentary

Over the course of the 13th Century, the Mongols conquered the largest contiguous land empire in world history. This astounding world power emerged from the unification of the seven Mongol tribes under the leadership of Genghis Khan, whose very name has become synonymous with conquest. Proclaimed ruler of all the Mongols in 1206, Genghis and his descendants dispatched invading armies in all directions, and by the end of the Great Khan’s life his empire included much of China and Central Asia. Mongol forces also drove into western Asia and Europe. They subdued much of the Arab world, destroying Baghdad in 1258. Latin Christendom would face the full force of the Mongol Empire when they assailed Hungary and Poland. On the battlefields of Legnica and Mohi, the Hungarians, Poles, Croatians, and their allies, including the Knights Templar, would face the virtually unbeatable military machine of the Mongols. Watch our full documentary on the life of Baldwin IV, the Leper King of Jerusalem who defeated Saladin