Music for Bassoon and Piano

A century of bassoon writing, from a French classic of the repertoire to an absorbing, brand-new set of variations by a young Argentinian composer. Composer: Alexandre Tansman, Camille Saint-Saëns & Paul Hindemith Artists: Carmen Mainer Martín (bassoon), Enrique Escartín Ara (piano) & Ana Mainer Martín (flute) Online purchase or streaming (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Deezer): Available for licensing: More Information: With his characteristically deft economy of means, Henri Dutilleux explored the two characteristics of the bassoon that have defined it in popular imagination ever since Mickey Mouse whirled his broom in vain at the climax of Walt Disney’s cartoon realisation of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: despite its sombre title, the Sarabande et Cortège of 1942 encloses both mournfulness and wit. S