They Turned Hollow Knight Into Touhou

Lunatic Radiance is a mod by Ythundyth to turn Radiance into a bullet hell. It's the first modded boss I've seen which transforms your character, which is really neat. Apparently the mod maker has done this hitless too, abusing safe spots pretty hard to do so. Still, very cool, some (perhaps most) patterns are ridiculous, but it's a fun concept regardless. Been meaning to play this for like... a year. I didn't know you could slow yourself down by holding Focus, which is likely pretty important in hindsight! MOD DOWNLOAD (): ========== Now that I'm a full time content creator, I can finally put all my energy into posting more awesome Hollow Knight content than ever before. If you want to support me in this endeavor, I would greatly appreciate it. BECOME A MEMBER: INTRODUCTION TO MEMBERSHIPS: DONATIONS: MERCH: https://godg