Announcing our new Documentary for 2024 - THERAPHOSA & EPHEBOPUS : Suriname's giant forest floor tarantulas. Available to buy from 08/07/24 at THERAPHOSA : In Search of the World’s Largest Spider . In 1801, Jean-Baptist Leblond, a slaver and platinum smuggler, found the world’s largest spider. Four years later, Pierre André Latreille, an ex-priest turned biologist, described it as Mygale leblondi, now known as Theraphosa blondi. In 2022, Andrew Smith & Guy Tansley travelled to Suriname to tell that story and discovered a new forest giant tarantula, new to science - Theraphosa surinamensis. This is the story of that spider and is the most extensive study ever undertaken of the genus. Length: 142 mins. EPHEBOPUS : In Search of South America’s Skeleton Tarantula Ephebopus murinus is one of the world's most striking tarantula spiders, and one whose story is bound up in the earliest days of arachnohistory. This documentary contains the first field footage ever filmed of Ephebopus murinus, including footage of a female nursing spiderlings and Ephebopus rufescens mating. It also explains the biology of a genus that is strikingly different from all other New World Tarantulas. Length: 95 mins. Director/Writer/Narrator: Andrew M. Smith DOP/Editor: Guy Tansley Scientific Advisor: Dr. Stuart Longhorn Researcher : Benoît Vignaud 2 DVD PACKAGE © 2024 For more info, visit